
Elder Derrick Coppin

We endeavor to fulfill the greater purpose of humanity in our message, by telling the world that Jesus Christ is the savior of all mankind. Church of Jesus Christ (CJC) of Passaic outreach is poised to cultivate an environment for everyone in our community to become a disciple of Jesus Christ. This will be accomplished by engaging our community in various way such as, Food Pantry, Back to School Drive, Pastoral Counseling, Biblical Marriage and Family Counseling, Baby Blessings and Dedications, Christian Education Ministry, Vacation Bible School (VBS), Thanksgiving Community Dinner, Youth Enrichment Program, Clothing Donation and Bereavement Support. Our community base activities provide a safe and positive environment for individuals.

Mission Statement:
We are willing, able and capable to provide an environment that speak to the physical, emotional and spiritual need of individuals in the community.

Men’s Ministry

Elder Derrick Coppin – President

The overarching goal of the CJC Passaic men’s department is to, restore discipleship as the central mission of the church. It is not enough to make better husbands, dads, time managers, and workers. The goal is not to merely seek to improve men’s behavior. Instead, our calling is to be at the foot of the cross where we negotiate the terms of a full surrender of our lives to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. That’s the deal.

Our Mission Mantra:
We the men of CJC United in Christ. We stand together to make things happen. We are not worried about things happening, for with Christ we make things happen; building strong men, making strong families, growing strong churches, contributing to a strong nation. We are commissioned and committed in making disciples for the kingdom of Christ. Our armor is intact and our weapons are sharpened. We are more than conquerors, ready to do battle. Our commander is Jesus Christ and we will always be victorious, for we are CJC men of excellence.

Women’s Ministry

Missionary Karen Morris

It is a pleasure to serve as the Women’s Ministry Department president. The leadership team of this ministry seeks to serve each woman, helping them perform in their God-given calling. We believe that we all can pull together and pull at once. 

Christian Education

Evangelist Sabrina Robinson-Curry

The great objective in Christian Education at Church of Jesus Christ of Passaic is to create a new person in Jesus Christ by bringing persons to a saving knowledge and acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Christian Education is a continuous and ongoing process that develops and nurtures a conscientiousness of the reality of God in human experience and a sense of personal relationship with Him. Christian Education involves all age groups of the church. It is a teaching, learning and sharing ministry.


Minister Jason lyttle

Being in ministry is about availing yourself to the furtherance of God’s work. The youth department is committed to showing the youth of all ages how to be a light for Christ. Our mission is to give them the tools to be kingdom citizens and upstanding adults in society.

Usher Board

Sister Marlene Harmon


Missionary Joan Morris

I have had the joy of serving as secretary since 2013. My mission is to attend to the needs of the pastor, ministry leaders and members of my church.  I am excited to be a part of what God is doing in and through the people of CJC Passaic.

Social Media

Missionary Annakay Lyttle

Our roles as brand ambassadors is to support the overall vision of the church and support the different auxiliaries with their planned events to ensure that once its planned we create excitement behind what they do. The entire church is tasked to be a billboards for Christ and the church and our team will give tips, tools and resources to properly brand the church.

Music / Praise & Worship / Media

The Church of Jesus Christ Apostolic of Passaic music ministry consists of various levels of musicians and singers.  We are Christ- centered, purpose driven, and committed to serving our church and community with our God-given talents.  Our culture is centered on cultivating servant leaders and preparing for excellence in every ministry opportunity.